Trophy winners.

Messrs Tipton and Morley Ltd Silver rose bowl for overall cattle champion P & K Brannen. P Hobson Perpetual memorial trophy for best local beef was won by Andrew Benson. EAS Silver Challenge Cup for best pair: D Newcomb. Issac Allinson Challenge trophy for best cross bred: Craggs and Heslop with Sky Fall. Reserve champion Craggs and Heslop Billy No Balls.

The Shorthorn Society Cup for best beef shorthorn was won by Michael and Joanne Souter, who also picked up the reserve title as well. The High Dales Meat Company Perpetual Trophy for the Highland champion was won by Mr and Mrs S Haley with Alice of Seam. Their Sineag Dubh of Seam was named reserve champion. They also won the Chatsworth Windows Cup with Murphy of Seam. The champion bull was won by Mr and Mrs S Haley with Murphy of Seam.

Sheep. Secretary’s Cup for overall champion, traditional or crossing type: I Craig. Watson trophy for winner of group of 3 type blue faced Leicester: I Craig. Live-Wire Fencing Perpetual Challenge trophy for supreme overall sheep champion: Messrs Teward.

Eggleston Agricultural Society Perptual trophy for best traditional blue faced Leicester: Jack Wilkinson. Derek Peart Memorial Trophy for group of three: Jack Wilkinson. Sir William Gray Trophy for pen of five mule gimmer lambs: M Walton. TF Dent Perpetual Silver Points Trophy for traditional blue faced Leicester and crossing type Leicester & mule lambs: I Craig. EAS Trophy for champion crossing type blue faced Leicester: I Craig.

The G & L Addison Perpetual trophy for district Swaledale sheep: F Allinson & Son. PB Ken Trophy for exhibitor with the most points: D Allinson. RF Iceton Perpetual challenge trophy for open champion: F Allinson and Son.

John Denham silver trophy for small breeders champion: M Iceton. Barnard Castle Teeswater Trophy for best group of 3: Stones Family. High Dales Meat Company trophy for overall champion: Stones Family.

Barnard Castle and Teesdale Auction Mart trophy for champion Suffolk: P & K Brannen. John Lamb Memorial Trophy for overall champion texel: Messrs Teward. Wrentall Texel Perpetual trophy for district champion texel: C Collin – ewe. Gordon Forster trophy for best overall pure-bred continental: J Bailey – ewe. HL Forster Challenge trophy for overall best short woolled sheep: A & R Grieves.

Atkinson trophy for best Zwartble: Mr and Mrs Breeze. Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institute trophy for best young handler aged 10 and under: William Ferrie. WT Robinson Trophy for best young handler aged 11 to 16: Torie Wilson. NEMSA trophy for highest placed Teesdale branch member for pen of five mule gimmer: M Watson. Lloyds Agricultural Championship trophy for vintage tractor champion: Mr P Nichol. Norman Field trophy for five gimmer lambs: F Allinson and Son.

Dogs. Teesdale Mercury cup for best sheepdog was won by Katie Wood with Ronnie. Peter and Gladys Stubbs trophy for best gun dog: Wendy Dawson- Young, Brenna. G & JI Lawson trophy for best pet dog: Molly Potter, Barney.

Horses. JW Hall Memorial Trophy for overall champion horse: Julie Cameron with L’Di Resta. Northern Diaries Shorthorn trophy for best in class, Dales ponies brood mare with foal at foot: JW Cockbain. R & F Longstaff Tankard for Dales pony youngstock champion: Liam Thompson. The Emmerson Memorial Perpetual Challenge cup and the Dales Pony Society Rosette for best Dales pony: J W Cockbain.

The GR Coatsworth Memorial Trophy for best Fell pony brood mare with foal at foot: EA Walker. The Mrs N Earnshaw trophy for best Fell pony filly or coal foal: EA Walker. Darlington and Stockton Times trophy for champion Fell pony: Katie Raine. The H Hirst Perpetual trophy for best gelding or mare Fell Pony: Katie Raine. GD Robson memorial trophy for miniature stallion Shetland under 34 inches: Christine Jackson.

Kiora plate for best miniature Shetland pony: Elye Harkness. Mrs E Passmore Silver Challenge Cup for Shetland pony champion: Christine Jackson. Mary Bowron trophy for best colt, gelding or filly hunter: Julie Merryweather. Jos Allinson trophy for hunter champion: Julie Cameron. The Gordon Shield for best local rider: Zara Dobson. EAS Trophy for mountain and moorland ridden championship: Elizabeth Quinlan. Calaredale Shield for winner of Shetland pony ridden class: Eileen Carlyle. Ken Wilson Memorial Decanter for working hunter champion: Elizabeth Quinlan.

J& H Meynell trophy for skewbald and piebald ridden championship: Julie Cameron. Alan Merrigan Memorial Trophy for skewbald and piebald BSPA champion: Julie Cameron. Lady Gray silver rose bowl for best private turnout: T Sharp. Shirley Dowson Silver Challenge trophy for young handler winner aged under 10: Pippa Fairburn. JD Dowson memorial trophy for young handler aged 11 and over: Mrs K Smith. Sir William Gray Perpetual trophy for best rider championship: Elizabeth Gullfoyle. EAS Perpetual Plaque Dukesfield Trophy for champion in donkey class: Alison Bell. Eggleston Show Trophy (Nicholson trop) for tradesman turnout: Cathryn Bunton. Eggleston Show trophy (Susie Pride) for Exercise cart: RLongstaff. The South Durham Horse and Pony Driving Cup for junior driving winner: Amy Wilson.

The Mitchell perpetual trophy for 1st and 2nd from H33-H37: Mrs G Farrow; 2, Elizabeth Quinland. EAS Trophy for 1st & 2nd from H38-H40: Elizabeth Quinlan; 2, Mrs K Smith. Peter and Gladys Stubbs Trophy for champion from classes H43-H46: Carole Nicholson; 2, D Wilkinson. Tees Valley Beagle trophy for 1st & 2nd from H41-H42: Julie Cameron; 2, D Wilkinson.

Walking sticks. JA Kidd Memorial trophy for best dressed walking stick: Mr Warwick.

Cakes, bread and pastries. Mrs Field Perpetual trophy for most points in bread and pastries and cakes: Mrs G Crawford. Gant Trophy for best novelty iced cake: Miss H Beadle. Marwood and Langleydale WI trophy for most points in cakes and biscuits: Mrs G Crawford. Mavis Collinson Memorial trophy for most points bread and pastry: Mrs G Crawford.

Eggleston WI trophy for most points in preserves: Mrs D Shaw. IT Beadle perpetual trophy: Mrs V Metcalf. John Hastings Dent Memorial trophy for men only cake: M Tarn.

Industrial. C Wilson perpetual memorial trophy for best hand knitting: Mrs V Metcalf. GlaxoSmithKline Shield for best WI exhibit: Newbiggin-in-Teesdale. JA Common Perpetual points shield for children’s points: Isobel Machin. Jubilee perpetual points shield for children’s points: Ruben Hobson. Newbiggin WI trophy for most points in children’s classes for 12-14 years: Molly Potter. Louise Underwood trophy for most points in children’s classes 15 and 16 years: Isobel Machin.

Photography. S Dempster and T Knight perpetual trophy for most points: Mrs C Warwick. Eggleston WI Cup for best art exhibition: Mrs C Cook.

Vegetables. A Gent points shield for most points: Mr M Hedley. The Eggleston Agricultural Society perpetual shield for best collection of vegetables: Mr M Hedley. Syd Forster memorial trophy for vest vale of pom-pom dahlias: Mr I Allonby. Garden news championship shield for most points in flower classes: Mr M Hedley. Hope and Win Chapman Salver for best exhibit in floral classes: Mrs C Hunter. Allanvale trophy for most points in floral classes: Mrs C Hunter.

Beef Class. Pure continental over 24 months: 1, P & K Brannen. Pure continental 24 months and under: 1, A Bentham; 2, P & K Brannen; 3, M Harding. Any beef cross bred steer: 1, Cragg & Heslop; 2, P & K Brannen; 3, Stones family. Any beef cross bred heifer: 1, Craggs & Heslop; 2, P & K Brannen.

Any suckler born 2022: 1, P & K Brannen; 2, P & K Brannen; 3, Stones family. Best beef cross pair: 1, P & K Brannen; 2, Craggs & Heslop. Best beef, local heifer or steer: 1, A Bentham; 2, M Harding; 3, M Harding.

Shorthorn cattle. Beef shorthorn bull any age: 1, MR & JE Souter. Beef shorthorn cow in milk or in calf over 2 years: 1 & 2 MR & JE Souter. Beef shorthorn heifer in calf (over two years): 1 & 2, MR & JE Souter; 3, G Simpson. Beef shorthorn cow maiden heifer under two years: 1, 2 & 3, MR & JE Souter.

Highland cattle. Best yearling bull: 1, Mr & Mrs S Haley; 2, D Newcomb. Best cow and calf: 1, Mr & Mrs S Haley. Best heifer born 2019 or in calf: 1, Mr & Mrs S Haley. Best heifer born 2020 or in calf: 1, Mr & Mrs S Haley; 2, D Newcomb; 3, D Newcomb. Best heifer born 2021: 1, 2 & 3, Mr & Mrs S Haley. Best calf born 2022: 1, D Newcomb; 2 & 3, Mr & Mrs S Haley.

Young handlers classes. Calf any age, breed or sex, to be shown by the young person: 1, Lucy Heslop; 2, Dylon Mcenzie; 3, Michael Branon.

Sheep classes

Traditional blue faced Leicester: aged or shearling ram: 1, Jack Wilkinson. Ram Lamb: 1 & 2, Jack Wilkinson. Ewe: 1, Jack Wilkinson; 2, P & S Addison; 3, Jack Wilkinson. Gimmer shearling: 1, Jack Wilkinson; 2, P & S Addison; 3, Jack Wilkinson. Gimmer lamb: 1, Jack Wilkinson. Group of three, age to be considered: 1, Jack Wilkinson.

Crossing – type blue faced Leicester sheep. Aged or shearling lamb: 1, I Craig. Ram Lamb: 1 & 2, I Craig. Ewe: 1, I Craig; 2, I & RA Watson. Gimmer shearling: 1, I Craig; 2, M & R Watson; 3, I Craig; 4, I & RA Watson. Gimmer lamb: 1, C. Stephenson; 2, I Craig; 3, I Craig; 4, M & R Watson. Group of three – age to be considered: 1, I Craig; 2, C Stephenson; 3, M & R Watson. Best male or female sheep to have been shown but not won a prize in classes: 1, C Stephenson.

Mule sheep. Single mule gimmer lamb: 1 , JC & A Metcalf; 2, M Walton; 3, C Stephenson; 4, C Stephenson. Pair of mule gimmer lambs: 1, JC & A Metcalf; 2, M Walton; 3, I & RA Watson; 4, C Stephenson. Pen of five mule gimmer lambs: 1, M Walton; 2, JC & A Metcalf; 3, C Stephenson; 4, I & RA Watson. Single mule shearling to have reared lambs: 1 & 2 I & RA Watson. Single mule ewe to have reared lambs: 1, 2 & 3 I & RA Watson.

Registered Swaledale sheep. Aged ram: 1, F Allinson & Son; 2, M Watson. Ram Lamb: 1, M Watson; 2, F Allinson & Son; 3, F Allinson 7 Son; 4, M Watson. Two ram lambs: 1, M Watson 2, F Allinson & Son. Ewe to have reared a lamb this season: 1, F Allinson & Son; 2, P Walton; 3, S Bentley & DJ Mallon; 4, M Watson. Gimmer shearling: 1, F Allinson & Son; 2, S Bentley & DJ Mallon; 3, M Watson; 4, M Iceton.

Gimmer Lamb: S Bentley & DJ Mallon; 2, F Allinson & Son; 3, M Iceton; 4, M Watson. Two gimmer lambs: 1, F Allinson & Son; 2, S Bentley & DJ Mallon; 3, M Watson. Group of three females, ewe, shearling and gimmer lamb: 1, F Allinson & Son; 2, S Bentley & DJ Mallon; 3, M Watson, 4, M Iceton. Five gimmer lambs: 1, F Allinson & Son; 2, JM Rowlandson; 3, D Watson. Ram and gimmer lamb, shown as a pair: 1, M Watson; 2, F Allinson & Son; 3, D Watson. Best male sheep in district: 1, F Allinson & Son; 2, M Watson.

Best female sheep in district: 1, F Allinson & Son; 2, P Walton; 3, F Allinson & Son; 4, S Bentley & DJ Mallon. Best male sheep shown by small breeder: 1, D Watson. Best female sheep shown by small breeder: 1 M Iceton; 2, D Watson. Any Swaledale sheep to have been shown but not won a prize in classes: 1, D Watson.

Suffolk. Aged or shearling ram: 1, Miss E Bobby; 2, Miss E Bobby. Ram lamb: 1, P & K Brannen; 2, R Craig; 3, Miss A Herbert; 4, P & K Brannen. Ewe: 1, Miss A Herbert; 2, Miss E Bobby. Gimmer shearling: 1, Miss E Bobby. Gimmer lamb: 1, R Grice; 2, P & K Brannen; 3, R Craig; 4, R Grice. Best of three, one male and two females: 1, P & K Brannen; 2, Miss A Herbert; 3, Miss A Herbert; 4, Miss M Dowson.

Cross bred and native breeds. Two prime cross bred lambs: 1, Harry Askwith; 2, Mrs D Ferrie; 3, Miss K Slack; 4, A Donkin. Any native British breed aged ram or shearling ram: 1, A Donkin. Any native British breed ewe: 1, Miss E Hall; 2, Thomas Blenkiron; 3, A Mairs; 4, A Mairs.

Any native British breed gimmer shearling, age to be considered: 1, Stones family; 2, Miss E Hall; 3, A Donkin; 4, A Mairs. Any native British breed gimmer lamb: 1, Stones family; 2, Thomas Blenkiron; 3, Miss E Hall; 4, W Barker. Group of three, one male and two females: 1, Stones family; 2, A Mairs. Best male or female sheep, to have been shown, but not won a prize in classes: 1, Thomas Blenkiron; 2, Miss E Hall; 3, W Barker; 4, A Mairs.

Texel sheep. Aged ram: 1, Messrs Teward; 2, ER & BW Sartin. Shearling ram: 1, Ned Wilkinson; 2, M Dent & S Nesbitt; 3, ER & BW Sartin; 4, Messrs Moffett. Ram lamb: 1, Messrs Moffett; 2, Ned Wilkinson; 3, P & K Brannen; 4, C Collin. Ewe: 1, Messrs Teward; 2, Ned Wilkinson.

Gimmer shearling: 1, Messrs Teward; 2, Stones family; 3, C Collin; 4, Stones family. Gimmer lamb: 1, P & K Brannen; 2, Ned Wilkinson; 3, Stones family; 4, Messrs Moffett. Best pair, male and female: 1, Stones family; 2, Joe Richardson; 3, Ned Wilkinson; 4, P & K Brannen. Best male sheep in district: 1, ER & BW Sartin; 2, Joe Richardson; 3, C Collin; 4, ER & BW Sartin. Best female in district: 1, C Collin; 2, Joe Richardson; 3, C Collin. Best male or female sheep to have been shown but not won a prize in classes: 1, Stones family; 2, P & K Brannen; 3, Joe Richardson; 4, Messrs Teward.

Zwartbles sheep. Aged or shearling ram: 1, P & S Addison; 2, Jack Wilson. Ram lamb: 1, Messrs Moffett; 2, P & S Addison; 3, Jack Wilson; 4, H Bell. Ewe: 1, Mr and Mrs Breeze; 2, P & S Addison; 3, Mr and Mrs Breeze; 4, Miss C Slee.

Gimmer shearling: 1, P & S Addison; 2, Messrs Moffett; 3, Mr & Mrs Breeze; 4, Mr and Mrs Breeze. Gimmer lamb: 1, P & S Addison; 2, Mr & Mrs Breeze; 3, Jack Wilson; 4, Messrs Moffett. Best of three, one male and two females: 1, Jack Wilson; 2, Miss C Slee; 3, H Bell; 4, H Bell. Best male or female to have been shown but not won a prize in classes: 1, Jack Wilson; 2, Miss C Slee; 3, H Bell; 4, Mr & Mrs Breeze.

Beltex sheep. Aged or shearling ram: 1, Harry Askwith. Ram Lamb: 1, Harry Askwith; 2, Penny Wilson; 3, Penny Wilson; 4, Harry Askwith. Ewe: 1, Penny Wilson; 2, Harry Askwith; 3, Harry Askwith. Gimmer shearling: 1, Penny Wilson; 2, Penny Wilson; 3, Harry Askwith, 4, Harry Askwith.

Gimmer lamb: 1, Penny Wilson; 2, Harry Askwith; 3, Harry Askwith. Best of three, one male and two female: 1, Harry Askwith; 2, Penny Wilson. Best Beltex: 1, Harry Askwith; 2, Penny Wilson.

Purebred continental sheep. Aged or shearling ram: 1, Patrick Wilson; 2, Patrick Wilson; 3, M Collin; 4, J Bailey. Ram lamb: 1, J Bailey; 2, Patrick Wilson; 3, C & A Taylor; 4, M Collin. Ewe: 1, J Bailey; 2, Patrick Wilson; 3, Miss P Armstong; 4, Miss P Armstrong. Gimmer shearling: 1, J Bailey; 2, Patrick Wilson; 3, M Collin; 4, M Collin. Gimmer lamb: 1, J Bailey; 2, Patrick Wilson; 3, Patrick Wilson; 4, M Collin. Best pair male and female: 1, J Bailey; 2, C & A Taylor; 3, M Collin. Best male or female sheep to have been shown but not won a prize in classes: 1, J Bailey; 2, M Collin; 3, C & A Taylor; 4, Patrick Wilson.

Young handers classes. Aged 10 and under on September 1, 2022: 1, William Ferrie; 2, Martha Breeze; 3, Tommy Heys; 4, Georgina Davis. Aged 11 to 16 on September 1, 2022: 1, Torie Wilson; 2, Anna Herbert; 3, Matthew Collin; 4, Robert Brannen.

Vintage tractors. Vintage tractor pre1955: 1, Mr T Peart, Fodson Major E1A; 2, Mr J Hodgson Ferguson; 3, Mr C Hutchinson David Brown Cropmaster. Vintage tractor post 1955: 1, Mr M Simpson Nuffield 10/60; 2, Mr C Hutchinson Ferguson 135; 3, Mr S Elliott Ferguson 35. Vintage tractor with vintage implement combination: 1, Mr P Nichol Nuffield Universal and Vicon spreader.

Hay. Half bale of old land hay 2022: 1, Mr M Davison; 2, Mr L Evans; 3, Mr N Tarn. Approximately one stone of haylage 2022: 1, Mr N Tarn; 2, Mr G Butterworth; 3, Mr G Butterworth.

Dressed walking sticks. Horn headed, plain: 1, Mr E Forster; 2, Mr A Warwick; 3, Mr E Forster. Horn headed fancy: 1, Mr A Warwick; 2, Mr A Warwick; 3, Mr S Bell. Dressed, wood headed, plain, one piece: 1, Mr A Warwick, 2, Mr A Warwick; 3, Mr D Gardner. Dress, wood headed fancy: 1, Mr A Warwick; 2, Mr A Warwick; 3, Mr S Bell.

Dressed from root: 1, Mr S Bell; 2, Mr D Gardner; 3, Mr A Warwick. Lady’s stick, hornhead: 1, Mr A Warwick; 2, Mr A Warwick; 3, Mr D Gardner. Shepherd’s crook, one piece wooden: 1, Mr D Gardner; 2, Mr A Warwick; 3, Mr A Warwick.

Shepherd’s crook horn head: 1, Mr D Gardner; 2, Mr A Warwick; 3, Mr D Gardner. Thumbstick horn: 1, Mr A Warwick; 2, Mr D Gardner; 3, Mr A Warwick. Thumbstick, wood one piece: 1, Mr S Bell; 2, Mr A Warwick; 3, Mr A Warwick. Thumbstick wood two pieces: 1, Mr S Bell; 2, Mr A Warwick; 3, Mr A Warwick. Thumbstick antler: 1, Mr S Bell; 2, Mr E Forster; 3, Mr E Forster.

Novice class. Horn headed: 1, Mrs C Cook; 2, Mrs C Cook; 3, Mr J Howe. Novice class Wood headed: 1, Mrs C Cook; 2, Mr J Howe; 3, Mr J Howe.


Registered Dales ponies. Brood mare with foal at foot: 1, JW Cockbain, Carrock Cherry Blosson shown by Abby Cockbain; 2, Liam Thompson, Cleatlam Calamity Jane. Colt or filly foal: 1, Liam Thompson, Wearside Elizabeth; 2, JW Cockbain, Carrock Harmony. Gelding two years and over: 1, JK & M Metcalf, Bolam Danny. Mare, clean or stinted, four years and over: 1, A Alderson, Bleathgill Clementine, shown by Mrs A Balmer; 2, R & F Longstaff, Lowhouses Rhianna; 3, Mr & Mrs R Balmer, Grassgill Swallow. Yearling: 1, Liam Thompson, Wearside Raven; 2, JK & M Metcalf, Bolam Rainbow. Colt or filly, two or three years: 1, R Harding, Cleatlam Duchess; 2, Liam Thompson, Wearside Tweed; 3, JK & M Metcalf, Bolam Mindy; 4, Mr & Mrs R Balmer, Grassgill Holly. Gelding or mare, any age, to be ridden before the judges: 1, Mr & Mrs R Balmer, Grassgill Swallow.

Fell ponies. Brood mare with foal at foot: 1, E A Walker, Rackwood Black Magic. Colt or filly foal, dam to be produced: 1, EA Walker, Rackwood Hermoine. Gelding or mare, three years and over: 1, Katie Raine, Dalewin Uptown Jen; 2, Mr R Briggs, Birkett Bank Fergie; 2, Dianne Horn, Rackwood Lucky Lady, shown by Jane Horn; 4, JE Gleenel, Claggs Stardust. Fell pony to be ridden before the judges: 1, Mr & Mrs Mallinson, Cargenwater Casanova, shown by Georgina Mallinson.

Registered Shetland ponies. Stallion any age: 1, Barugh family, Birchmoor Viceroy; 2, Christine Jackson, Lignite Chickadee. Gelding or mare, clean or stinted, three years and over: 1, Christine Jackson, Holmhill George; 2, P Harkness, Dryfesdale Dame; 3, S Dowson, Addingham Gabi; 4, Jen Hurford, Talwmisaf Hefina. Brood mare with foal at foot: 1, Jen Hurford, Blazefield Molly; 2, Eileen Carlyle, Dryfesdale Dalma. Foal of mare in previous class: 1, Eileen Carlyle, Drysedale Dallas; 2, Jen Hurford, Sycamorenook Fiddlesticks. Best yearling or two year old, colt, gelding or filly: 1, S Dowson, Oakspring Bella; 2, Christine Jackson, Boulby Saxon Princess; 3, Jen Hurford, Parlington Hermoine; 3, Jen Hurford, Sycamorenook Zipadeedoodah.

Ridden class: 1, Sophie Richardson, Hedderwick Tara. Miniature stallion under 34 inches, clean or stinted, three years and over: 1, Christine Jackson, Lignite Chickadee.

Minitary gelding or mare under 34 inches, clean or stinted three years and over: 1, Elye Harkness, Goldes Tara’s Tallulah; 2, Denise Bunton, Edern Brenna; 3, Jen Hurford, Talwmisaf Hefina; 4, Denise Bunton, Little Rachel, shown by Annaleigh Thompson. Miniature brood mare with foal at foot: 1, Jen Hurford, Blazefield Molly. Miniature foal from mare in previous class: 1, Jen Hurford, Sycamorenook Fiddlesticks. Best miniature one and two year olds colt, gelding or filly: 1, Christine Jackson, Boulby Saxon Princess; 2, Jen Hurford Parlington Hermoine; 3, Jen Hurford, Sycamorenooks Zipadeedoodah; 4, Abbie Holmes Wigham, Dowshill Tinker Bella, shown by John Holmes Wigham.

Hunters. Ridder hunter lightweight: 1, Elizabeth Quinland, Gone with the Wind; 2, Caitlin Thompson. Ridder hunter medium weight: 1, Julie Cameron, L’DiResta; 2, Jessica Robinson, Causeys Heartthrob; 3, A Weighell. Colt, gelding or filly, one, two or three years old: 1, Julie Merryweather, Amorous Astrid; 2, Caroline Wall, Nomara Mariposa, shown by Adam Wall; 3, Carole Bourke, Toby.

Working hunter. Mare or gelding four years and over, not exceeding 12.2hh. Riders not to attained their 11th birthday before 1 January in the current year: 1, Rachel Valks, Ebony, Robyn Valks; 2, sophie; 3, Mrs K Smith, Dukes Hill Chilaca, Holly Smith; 4, Mrs K Smith, Waitwith Rosie-Marie, Fiona Smith.Mare or gelding, four years and over, not exceeding 13hh. Riders not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1 January in the current year: 1, Mrs K Smith, Dukes Hill Chilaca, Holly Smith; 2, Mrs K Smith, Waitwith Rosie-Marie, Fiona Smith.

Mare or gelding, four years and over, not exceeding 15hh, rider any age: 1, Tamara Cotton, Noble Block Buster; 2, Maddie Metcalfe; 3, N McGrath, Totti, Lucy McGrath; 4, Annabelle Hird, Meg. Mare or gelding, four years and over, exceeding 15hh, rider any age: 1, Elizabeth Quinlan, Gond With the Wind; 3, Caitlin Thompson, Ballygill Earl; 3, Julie Cameron, L’DiResta; 4, Jessica Robinson, Causeys Heartthrob.

Mountain and Moorland. Small breeds, in hand, mare or gelding, four years or over to be registered with the Welsh Section A & b, Dartmoor and Exmoor Breed Society: 1, Mr & Mrs Fielding, Rosspurs Little Dorritt, shown by L Fielding; 2, Carole Dingwell, Colandra Peace Lilly. Small breeds, in hand, 1, 2 or three years old, filly or gelding, to be registered with the Welsh section A & B, Dartmoor and Exmoor Breed Society: 1, Mrs G Farrow, Waitwith Sweet Saffie, shown by Abbie Walton; 1, Mr Farrow Clarke, Nanteforghog Blue Sapphire.

Large breeds, in hand, mare or gelding, four years or over, to be registered with the Welsh Section C or D, Connemara, New Forest or Highland: 1, Elizabeth Quinlan, Western Harry.

Large breeds, in hand, one, two or three years old, filly or gelding, to be registered with the Welsh Section C or D, Connemara, New Forest & Highland: 1, Carol Nicholson, Pragnells Mars. Large breeds, ridden four years and over as registered with Welsh section C or D, Connemara, New Forest & Highland: 1, Elizabeth Quinlan, Western Harry; 2, Mr & Mrs Mallinson, Little Fenwick Danny, ridden by Nicola Jackson.

Lead rein m/m as registered with the Welsh section A & B, Dartmoor and Exmoor breed society, rider eight years and under: 1, Mrs K Smart, Waitwith Rosie-Marie, Henry Smith; 2, Elizabeth Gulfoyle, Pumphill Endora, Emilie Gulfoyle; 3, Mr & Mrs Fielding, Rosspurs Little Dorritt, I Dryden; 4, Lisa Lees, Bicton Little Boy Blue, Dulcie Lees.

First ridden M/M as registered with the Welsh Section A & B, Dartmoor and Exmoor breed society, rider 12 years and under: 1, Mrs K Smith, Waitwith Rosie-Marie, Fiona Smith.

Skewbald and Piebald.

Native traditional Cob in hand, 153 cms and over: 1, D Wilkinson, Blackhall Anna, Megan Wilkinson. Native traditional Cob in hand under 153cms: 1, Julie Cameron, Peter Pan, shown by Zoe Alderslade; 2, Nicola Stanier, Little Bit Smitten; 3, Megan Wright, Jock Ellis. Plaited, in hand, under 153cms: 1 Carol Nicholson, Northbeech Marley. In hand colour or markings any age: 1, D Wilkinson, Blackhall Anna, shown by Megan Wilkinson; 2, Carol Nicholson, Northbeech Marley; 3, Julie Cameron, Peter Pan.

Traditional ridden, any type four years and over: 1, Julie Cameron, Peter Pan, shown by Zoe Alderslade; 2, Nicola Stanier, Little Bit Smitten; 3, Helen Kirby, Lingarth Lucky Lady; 3, Kirsty Mearns, Frisky Whisky.

Driving class. Best private turnout: 1, T Sharp, Thornville Lady; 2, JK & M Metcalfe, Bolam Starlight. Exercise cart: 1, R Longstaff, Lowhouses Paddy, Bennington Exercise Cart; 2, Mr M Walton, Waitwith Just Jon; 3, Mr & Mrs Fielding, Rosspurs Little Dorritt. Junior driving class, driver to be under 16 years of age: 1, Amy Wilson, Bonnie, Jessica Lawrence; 2, Cathryn Bunton, Dolly, Jonjo Thompson; 3, Mr & Mrs Fielding, Rosspurs Little Dorrit, Isla Dryden; 4, Megan Wright, Jock Ellis. Tradesman’s turnout: 1, Cathryn Bunton, Just Daddy, Liam Thompson.

Young handler class. Age 10 years and under: 1, Mrs K Smith, Waitwith Rosie-Marie, Fiona Smith; 2, Mrs K Smith, Dukes Hill Chilaca, Holly Smith; 3, JE Gleenel, Claggs Stardust, Jack Gleenel; 4, Denise Bunton, Edern Breena, Annaleigh Thompson.

Junior classes. Best rider, lead rein 7 years and under: 1, Elizabeth Gullfoyle, Pumphill Endora, Emilie Guylfoyle; 2, Lauren Tallentire; 3, Kelly Manser, Molly, Tilly Manser; 3, Rachel Valks, Ebony, Robyn Valks.

Best rider 8 years to 11 years: 1, Annabelle Hird, Meg; 2, N McGrath, Twinkle, Ella McGrath; 3, J Richardson, Hedderwick Tara, Sophie Richardson; 4, Angela Mills, Golden Wonder, Pippa Mills-Butters. Best rider 12-16 years: 1, Juliet Grey. Best local rider aged 10 years and under: 1, Kate Chambers, Terackie Mistletoe, Sophie Chambers; 2, J Richardson, Hedderwick Tara, Sophie Richardson; 3, Kelly Manser, Molly, Tilly Manser. Best local rider aged 11 to 16 years: 1, Zara Dobson; 2, Tamara Cotton.

Riding/ pony club. Pony club pony 12.3hh to 13.2 hh: 1, J Richardson, Sergeant, Sophie Richardson. Riding horse, 14.3hh and over: 1, Elizabeth Quinlan, Gone with the Wind, Elizabeth Quinlan; 2, Jessica Robinson, Causeys Heartthrob, Jessica Robinson; 3, 176; 4, Helen Kirby, Lingarth Lucky Lady, Helen Kirby.

Veteran Horses. Horse or pony in hand, age 15 years and over: 1, Carole Dingwell, Colandra Peace Lilly, Angie Mills; 2, JE Gleenel, Claggs Stardust, JE Gleenel; 3, Karen Cotton, Redhill Robin, Tristan Cotton; 4, N McGrath, Totti, Lucy McGrath. Horse or pony ridden aged 15 and over: 1, Annabelle Hird, Meg, Annabelle Hird; 2, Angela Mills, Golden Wander, Pippa Mills-Butters, N McGrath, Totti, Lucy McGrath; 4, Caitlin Thompson, Ballygill Earl, Caitlin Thompson.

Donkey Classes. Best conditioned and turned out: 1, Mrs GA D Burton, Taka RA Haka of Todridge; 2, Mrs GAD Burton, Todridge Nootka Rose. Stallion and gelding four years and above: 1, Alison Bell, Todridge Bullrush; 2, Mrs GAD Burton, Taka Ra Haka of Todridge. Mare and brood mare with own foal, five years and over: 1, John and Lorraine Rae, Arron Brook Fancipants. Colt or gelding, one, two or years: 1, John and Lorraine Rae, Bluemanor Montecarlo. Colt or gelding one, two or three years: 1, Mrs GAD Burton, Todridge Nootka Rose.

Dogs. Sheepdog dog or bitch: 1, Katie Wood, Ronnie; 2, Emma Brown, Ingrid; 3, Mark Harding, Floss. Best gundog, large: 1, Wendy Dawson-Young, Brenna; 2, Tara Bainbridge, Etta; 3, Bella Nicholson, Willow. Best gundog, small: 1, Emma Guy, Ella; 2, Charlotte Marshal, Mattie; 3, Faye Archer, Mara.

Best conditioned large pet dog: 1, Penny Ebdon, Byron; 2, C North, Grace; 3, Helen Bentley, Ruger. Best conditioned small pet dog: 1, Jim Dent, April; 2, Amy Taylor, Mia; 3, Billie, Alby. Best terrier: 1, Connie Dowson, Woody; 2, Zoe, Toby; 3, Luke Nutella. Best pet dog, to be shown by a person under 15 years: 1, Molly Potter, Barney; 2, Savannah Brown, Thorun; 3, Jamie Worrick, Kai.

Horticulture. Collection of vegetables, four kinds: 1, Mr M Hedley; 2, Mr D Ford. Four cooking apples: 1, Mr D Ford; 2, Dr S Froom; 3, Mrs S Jackson. Two round beet: 1, Mr M Hedley; 2, Mr D Ford; 3, Mrs C Rowntree. Six pods of runner beans: 1, Mr D Ford; 2, Mr M Hedley. Six dwarf French beans: 1, Mr M Hedley; 2, Mr D Ford. One green cabbage, pin head: 1, Mr M Hedley. One green cabbage, drum head: 1, Mr M Hedley. One cauliflower: 1, Mr M Hedley. Two stump rooted carrots: 1, Mr D Ford; 2, Mr M Hedley.

One cucumber: 1, Mrs C Rowntree; 2, Mr M Hedley; 3, Mrs C Rowntree. Four single eschallots: 1, Mr D Roberts; 2, Mr M Hedley; 3, Mr G Harris. Two pot leeks: 1, Mr M Hedley. Two blanch leeks: 1, Mr M Hedley.

One marrow: 1, Mr D Ford; 2, Mr M Hedley. Three onions grown from seed, dressed: 1, Mr M Hedley; 2, Mrs C Rowntree; 3, Mrs C Rowntree. Three onions grown from sets: 1, Mr M Hedley; 2, Mrs C Rowntree; 3, Mrs C Rowntree. One single potato: 1, Mr J Fletcher; 2, Mr J Fletcher; 3, Mr M Hedley. Four white potatoes: 1, Mr M Hedley; 2, Mr M Hedley. Four coloured potatoes: 1, Mr J Fletcher; 2, Mr J Fletcher; 3, Mr M Hedley. Pair of parsnips: 1, Mr M Hedley. Four tomatoes: 1, Mr M Hedley; 2, Mrs C Rowntree; 3, Mr D Ford. Most unusual shaped vegetable: 1, Mr M Hedley. Novice class: 1, Mr R Willett.

Flowers. One Rose: 1, Mr E McFarlane; 2, Mrs A Coles. Four roses: 1, Mr E McFarlane; 2, Mrs A Coles. Gladioli (3 spikes): 1, Mr M Hedley; 2, Mr J Fletcher. Three dahlias, giant and large decorative: 1, Mr M Hedley. Three dahlias, giant and large cactus, semi cactus: 1, Mr M Hedley.

Three dahlias medium decorative: 1, Mr I Allonby; 2, Mr E McFarlane; 3, Mr M Hedley. Three Dahlias, medium cactus and semi cactus: 1, Mr E McFarlane; 2, Mr M Hedley; 3, Mr M Hedley. Three dahlias, water lily: 1 & 2, Mr M Hedley. Three dahlias, small and miniature decorative: 1 & 2, Mr M Hedley. Three dahlias, small cactus and semi cactus: 1 & 2, Mr M Hedley. Three dahlias, pompom: 1, Mr I Allonby; 2, Mr M Hedley; 3, Mr M Hedley. Three dahlias small ball and miniature ball: 1 & 2, Mr M Hedley. Lady’s spray: 1, Mrs D Darville. Gentleman’s buttonhole: 1, Mrs C Waldock; 2, Mr E McFarlane; 3, Mrs C Rowntree.

Houseplant to be judged on flowers: 1, Mr M Hedley; 2, Mrs C Rowntree.

House plant to be judged on foliage: 1, Mrs C Rowntree; 2, Miss W Robinson; 3, Mrs C Rowntree. One cactus: 1 & 2, Mrs C Rowntree. A vegetable and flower shown together: 1, Mr M Hedley. Novice class: 1, Mr I Allonby.

Floral arrangements. A floral arrangement Sparkes: 1, Mrs C Waldock. A floral arrangement Floral Wreath: 1, Mrs C Hunter.

Eggs: Four white eggs, Bantam: 1, Mr C booth; 2, Mr R Hanson; 3, Joseph and Sean Morrow. Four brown eggs, Bantam: 1, Mr C Booth; 2, Mr C Booth; 3, Miss E Taylor. Four coloured eggs, Bantam: 1, Mr C Booth; 2, Mrs E Stones; 3, Joseph and Sean Morrow. Four white eggs, hen: 1, Mr C Booth; 2, Mr R Hanson; 3, Miss E Taylor. Four brown eggs, hen: 1, Mr R Hanson; 2, Mr C Booth; 2, Miss E Taylor. Four coloured eggs, hen: 1, Mr C Booth; 2, Joseph and Sean Morrow; 3, Miss J Wallace. Special prize: Mr C Booth. One egg to be broken: 1, Miss E Taylor; 2, Miss E Taylor; 3, Mrs E Stones.

Handicrafts. A pair of knitted socks: 1, Mrs V Boase; 2, Mrs K Jennings; 3, Mrs K Jennings. A knitted snood: 1, Mrs K Jennings; 2, Dr L Thompson; 3, Mrs K Brittain. Knitted garment for a baby: 1 & 3, Mrs C Warwick; 3, Mrs K Jennings. A knitted item: 1, Mrs V Metcalf; 2, Mrs C Warwick; 3, Mrs B McLean. A knitted novelty: 1, Mrs C Warwick 2, Mrs V Metcalf; 3, Mrs A Scott.

Needlework and craft. A beaded item: 1, Mrs J Dent; 2, Mrs C Thompson. A Christmas decoration: 1, Mrs J Dent; 2, Mrs D Darville; 3, Ruby Thompson. An item of embroidery: 1, Mrs J Dent; 2, Mrs J Dent; 3, Mrs G Dent. A fabric covered box: 1, Mrs M Lloyd; 2, Mrs C Waldock; 2, Mrs J Dent. A gift wrapped parcel: 1, Mrs C Warwick; 2, Mrs A Turnbull; 3, Mrs A Lawton. An article in cross stitch: 1, Mrs Thompson; 2, Mrs S Welsh; 3, Mrs C Waldock. A home-made gift not to exceed £10: 1, Mrs D Willett; 2, Mrs V Boase; 3, Mrs B Wearmouth. A hand made woven item: 1, Miss W Robinson; 2, Miss W Robinson; 3, Mrs E Mustill. A small item of quilting: 1, Mrs J Dent; 2, Mrs C Thompson; 3, Mrs V Metcalf. A platinum anniversary card: 1, Mrs D Darville; 2, Mrs B Wearmouth; 3, Mrs D Darville.

An item of crochet: 1, Mrs R Craggs; 2, Mrs J Dent; 3, Alexandra Cull. An item in hand made felting: 1, Mrs V Metcalf; 2, Ms S Cooksey; 3, Mrs A Armstrong. WI Competition: 1, Newbiggin; 2, Bowes; 3, Boldron.

Children’s section. Early years up to five years. Paint exploration, up to three years old: 1, Harry Teward; 2, Clementine Lawton; 3, Ablie Souter. A face on a paper plate, 3-5 years: 1, William Crawford; 2, Betty Bainbridge; 3, Charlie Souter. An animal made of plasticine: 1, Zoey Rowntree; 2, Erin Rowntree; 3, Abagail Dawson.

Six, seven & eight years. A decorated gingerbread person: 1, Darcey Dunnill; 2, Katelyn Spry; 3, Floraidh Crawford. A robot made form lego: 1, Katelyn Spry; 2, Asher Dawson; 3, Floraidh Crawford. A puppet made using a wooden spoon: 1, Rosie Potter; 2, Francesca Mairs; 3, Sid Bainbridge. A painting or drawing of a farm animal: 1, Rosie Potter; 2, Katelyn Spry; 3, Francesca Mairs.

Classes for 9, 10 and 11 years. A garden on a tray: 1, Molly Potter; 2, Ruben Hobson; 3, Skye Crawford. Four cup-cakes decorated: 1, Skye Crawford; 2, Ruben Hobson; 3, Skye Crawford. A floral arrangement in a welly: 1, Chloe Hobson; 2, Skye Crawford. Handwriting: 1, Grace Collin; 2, Isabella Wilson; 3, Molly Potter.

Classes for 12 to 16 years. A jelly in a clear pint-sized container: 1, Abbie Spry; 2, Jennifer Turnbull; 3, Isobel Machin. A decorated cake with a seaside scene: 1, Isobel Machin; 2, Jennifer Turnbull. A sketch of a tree: 1, Abbie Spry. Photograph of an unusual fungi: 1, Isobel Machin.


Rasperberry jam: 1, Mr D Shaw; 2, Mrs M Elliott; 3, Mrs J Addison. Strawberry jam: 1, Mr D Shaw; 2, Mrs J Kirby; 3, Mrs J Kirby. Jelly: 1, Mrs L Smith; 2, Ms S Cooksey; 3, Mrs A Layland. Marmalade: 1, Mr D Shaw; 2, Mrs L Layland; 3, Dr L Thompson. Lemon curd: 1, Ms S Cooksey; 2, Mrs J Kirby; 3, Mrs A Lawton. Jam other than in the schedule: 1, Ms S Cooksey; 2, Mrs J Kirby; 3, Mrs A Lawton.

Apple or tomato chutney: 1, Mrs C Hunter; 2, Mrs G Crawford; 3, Mrs M Elliott. Chutney other than appale or tomato: 1, Mrs J Kirby; 2, Mrs S Robinson; 3, Mrs G Crawford. One bottle hedgerow liqueur; 1, Mrs N Tarn; 2, Mrs E Spry; 3, Mrs F Archer.

Bread and pastries. Vegetarian flan: 1, Mrs G Crawford; 2, Miss C Scales; 2, Mrs J Addison. 1lb brown bread loaf: 1, Mrs A Scott; 2, Mrs M Elliott; 3, Mr D Shaw. 1lb white bread loaf: 1, Mr R Willett; 2, Mrs M Elliott; 3, Dr S Froom. Four cheese scones: 1, Mrs G Crawford; 2, Mrs Watmore; 3, Mrs E Stones. Four sausage rolls: 1, Mrs J Addison; 2, Mrs A Scott; 3, Mrs P Stephenson. A bakewell tart: 1, Mrs J Addison; 2, Mrs A Scott; 3, Mrs P Stephenson.

Cakes and biscuits. Fruits cake without decoration, not to exceed 20 cm: 1, Mrs J Donald; 2, Mrs L Smith; 3, Mrs R Teward. Carrot cake, round with topping: 1, Miss A Collin; 2, Mrs C North; 3, Mrs G Crawford. Lemon drizzle cake: 1, Mrs A Turnbull; 2, Miss R Threlfall; 3, Miss H Beadle. Four Christmas biscuits iced: 1, Miss He Beadle; 2, Mrs G Crawford; 3, Mr A Gibbons. Six ginger nuts, not rolled: 1, Mrs G Crawford; 2, Miss H Beadle; 3, Mrs L Smith. Gluten free cake with buttercream filling: 1, Mrs L Whiting; 2, Mrs C Watmore; 3, Mrs A Scott.

Rice cake: 1, Mrs L Whiting; 2, Mrs G Crawford; 3, Mrs L Smith. Chocolate swiss roll with buttercream filing: 1, Mrs C Rowntree; 2, Mrs A Lawton; 3, Mrs E Stones. Decorated cake not to be cut: 1, Miss H Beadle; 2, Ms S Cooksey; 3, Mrs S Baldock. Victoria sandwich, one cake split and filled with jam but not iced: 1, Mrs A Scott; 2, Mrs B Ward; 3, Mrs G Crawford.

Tea loaf: 1, Mrs C Watmore; 2, Mrs B Ward; 3, Mrs G Crawford. Men only cake, ginger bread in a loaf tin: 1, Mr M Tarn; 2, Mr C Dunnill; 3, Mr S Lawton. Four pieced of tray bake: 1, Mrs J Kirby; 2, Mrs S Robinson; 3, Mrs E Beach. Four lemon muffins: 1, Mrs A Turnbull; 2, Miss A Collin; 3, Mrs M Elliott. “What a Disaster”: 1, Mrs E Stones.

Photography. A single print, bridges, black and white: 1, Miss R Sayer; 2, Mr K Whiting; 3, Mr K Whiting. A single print shadows, colour: 1, Miss C Scales; 2, Mrs P Brittain; 3, Mrs D Willett. A single print Eggleston Show: 1, Mr H Pearson; 2, Mr K Whiting; 3, Mr K Whiting. A single print, sunsets: 1, Mrs C Cook; 2, Mrs K Brittain; 3, Mrs E Mustill. A single print, pet, colour: 1, Abby Blackburn; 2, Mrs E Machin; 3, Mr H Pearson. A single print, reflections colour: 1, Mrs C Warwick; 2, Mr H Pearson; 3, Mrs P Brittain.

A single print, farm life colour: 1, Abby Blackburn; 2 & 3, Miss R Sayer. A single print, chimney pots colour: 1, Mr H Pearson; 2, Miss C Scales. A single print an unusual fungi colour: 1, Mrs C Warwick; 2, Mr K Whiting; 3, Mr H Pearson. A single print clouds colour: 1, Mrs P Brittain; 2, Mrs D Willett; 3, Mr H Pearson. A single print bird /birds colour: 1, Mrs C Warwick; 2, Mr H Pearson; 3, Mrs C Cook. Set of three photos colour: 1, Mrs C Warwick; 2, Mrs K Wood; 3, Mr H Pearson. Set of three photographs, stiles colour: 1, Mrs E Machin.

Art. Watercolour painting mounted or framed: 1, Mrs V Boase; 2, Mrs V Metcalf; 3, Mrs K Brittain. Acrylic painting to be framed: 1, Mrs C Cook; 2, Mrs C Cook. Any other media to include collage and pottery: 1, Mrs V Metcalf; 2, Miss C Mason; 3, Mrs V Boase. A drawing or sketch in pen and ink, pencil charcoal, coloured pencil or inks: 1, Miss C Mason; 2, Mr S Bell; 3, Mrs B Ward.